Green Party of Taijitu
Green Party of Taijitu | ||
Formation | June 27, 2012 | |
Ideology | Green | |
Regional Chair | VACANT | |
Regional Vice-Chair | VACANT | |
Membership | 0 | |
Colors | Light Green | |
Senate |
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Cabinet |
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Green Party of Taijitu Thread |
About The Greens
The Green Party of Taijitu is an environmentally friendly and pro-conservationist party that favors a broad spectrum of policies. Chief among our concerns, is the protection and conservation of the environment and the protection of animals and furthering their rights through reasonable and scientific means. The Green Party has an agenda that is rooted in our "8 Values" Statement. The Green Party of Taijitu is the only party within the region that expressly works in the interests of environmentalists. It is our aim to promote an atmosphere of peace, cooperation and environmentally conscious citizens.
The Green Party is lead by a Regional Chair, and Regional Vice-Chair. Both positions are elected officials that speak and operate on behalf of the Green Party of Taijitu and oftentimes represent the Party's Delegate/Vice-Delegate ticket. However, the general purpose of the Regional Chairs are the spokespersons of the party as well as the individuals responsible for setting the party agenda for their terms. The Chairs are elected monthly, with elections beginning no earlier than the 25th and must be concluded no later than the 1st of the following month.
The Green Party of Taijitu also has a Caucus system, where individual members may band together to support specific legislative and executive goals within the Party's overall umbrella. These caucuses are informal organizations that are recognized internally as political advocacy "factions". There are currently no active caucuses in the Green Party.
The 8 Values
- The Green Party strongly supports environmentalism, ethical scientific research, conservationism and eco-friendly industries.
- The Green Party strongly supports reasonable rights for Animals, and opposes animal experimentation, exploitation and other forms of cruelty.
- The Green Party strongly supports tough environmental regulations on businesses.
- The Green Party supports parliamentary democracy, and promotes the advancement of education, equality and social welfare. It is the policy of the Green Party to promote individual responsibility and protect personal liberty.
- The Green Party adheres to the logical and sound principle of fiscal conservatism; it is important to avoid spending what we cannot generate through revenue.
- The Green Party favors a progressive income scale, that is graded steeply against the highest earners.
- The Green Party believes that advocating a non-interventionist foreign policy both protects the interests of Taijitu Founder, and limits the impact that war can have on civilization and the environment.
- The Green Party supports the complete abolition of new weapons research, nuclear weapons and seeks the reduction of the defense budget to minimum levels.
Government of Taijitu | |||||
Legislative | Ecclesia · Citizen-Initiator | Executive | Delegate · Citizen-Diplomats · Citizen-Liaison · Armed Forces . Citizen-Sergeant | Constitution | Constitution |
Laws | Alliance Between Taijitu and The North Pacific . Citizen-Initiator Act .Citizen-Liaison Act. Citizenship Act . Delegacy Act . Flag and Seals Act · Holidays Act . Judiciary Act . Militia Act . Noble Houses Act . Revolutionary Calendar Act . The Rejected Realms - Taijitu Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation . University of the Revolution Act |