Progressive Party

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Progressive Party
Logo of the Progressive Party
Formation June 28, 2010
Ideology Progressivism
Secretary Gulliver
Spokesperson Myroria
Membership 6
Colors Orange
3 /10
2 /4
Progressive Party Forums

The Progressive Party is a social progressive party in the region of Taijitu. The modern party was founded on June 28, 2010, and is the successor to a now defunct party of the same name founded on June 30, 2007. In the second revival of Taijitu, it adopted a Charter. With six registered members, it is currently the largest political party in Taijitu.

Dyr Nasad is currently the third Progressive to hold the office of Delegate of Taijitu. Following the December 2011 elections, the Progressive Party holds all three Senate seats and two of four cabinet posts.


The original Progressive Party was founded on June 30, 2007. Like its modern successor, the party was committed to individual liberties, democratic government and the exercise of reason in forming public policy, and had an internationalist outlook in terms of foreign policy. It, however, made no commitment to the pursuit of any kind of social justice. The original Progressive Party would eventually become moribund for want of activity on the part of its membership.

In May of 2010, a program to revive Taijitu as a whole was initiated, culminating in the adoption of a new constitution in June of the same year. Following this, several members of the original Progressive Party decided to refound the party in order to contest new elections. They succeeded in formally doing so on July 28, 2010, and went on to win the office of Delegate and seats in the Senate in two consecutive elections. The party was unable, however, to adopt a formal charter and became inactive for a second time.

It was not until almost a year later that the Progressive Party's refounding was resumed. On May 31, 2011, the party held its first congress, accompanied by a surge in membership. Working from a draft that had been drawn up when the party had first been refounded, this congress was able to adopt an official charter. The document reaffirmed the original Progressive Party's values of individual liberty, democracy and rationality. At the same time the new charter introduced values of social solidarity and justice which shifted the modern party's politics to the left of its predecessor's.


  1. Liberty: All persons have the rights to life, property and to act and think freely. Governments must be organized to defend these liberties from all threats.
  2. Solidarity: Society and individuals depend on one another for success. Society, through government when necessary, must protect individuals from arbitrary hardship and aid them in their pursuits, and individuals who can must give back to society in return.
  3. Justice: All persons have a right to equal treatment in both the public and private spheres. Individuals must all be equal before the law and government policy. Private business must be conducted fairly, and government must ensure this.
  4. Democracy: Government must be directly accountable to those it serves. Its business must be transparent and open to public scrutiny.
  5. Reason: Decisions should be informed by reflection and evidence.


  1. The preservation of Taijituan Freedoms
  2. The growth of Taijitu's population.
  3. The growth of Taijituan culture.
  4. The growth of Taijitu's power.
  5. The defense of friendly regions.
  6. The defense of regions we are able to defend.