Template:This month's featured article/August, 2010

From Taijitu
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the Seal of the Delegate of Taijitu.

The Delegate is the elected leader of Taijitu. They occupy the only position which is equally important in both NationStates (NS) and the off site forum (OS forum), voting in NS UN resoultions on behalf of the region, and formulating and executing policy as elected leader of the region in the off site forum.

The delegate votes for or against NSUN resolutions, according to the majority vote cast in a special sub-forum of the regional OS forum. The passage of UN resolutions affects the nations of all UN members, meaning that the delegate's support for the postion taken by the region has an effect on all regional members of the UN. The delegate also has a very important role to play in defending the nation against invasion. With their delegate powers, they can eject, ban or banject nations from the region which they think may be intending to overthrow democratically elected power in Taijitu.

In the off-site forum, the delegate is the elected leader of the executive. As head of the government, they are elected with a mandate from the Senate to carry out the promises that they made in their campaign thread. They set the position that the region will take with regards to foreign regions, defence policy, citizenship policy and security policy, among other things. Most importantly but less tangibly, they are the spiritual head of Taijitu, embodying and upholding the values of the region.