Delegate powers
Delegate powers are the powers which a delegate is given in game, in their NS region. They are fall into two categories: housekeeping and security.
A delegate can:
- Change the world factbook entry
- This is the section of text at the top of the region screen on the NationStates website which gives details about the region. Typically it will contain something about what the region is or why it was founded, along with the URLs of forums and other associated websites.
- Add, change and remove a regional password
- The delegate can choose to password protect the region, to prevent invasion from outside or simply to vet who wishes to come in. The delegate can also change and remove this password.
A delegate's powers also extend to regional security:
- Ejection
- The delegate can eject a nation from the region
- Banning
- The delegate can add the name of a nation to a ban list, which will prevent that nation from ever entering the region
- Banjection
- An amalgam of the two above, the delegate can eject a nation and add them to the ban list, ensuring that the ejected nation cannot come back.
Limitations on the Delegate's powers
The delegate does not get these powers unconditionally. There are two ways in which the delegate's powers can be restricted.
Founder Restriction
The simplest of these two is by turning them off. A regional founder can turn off the powers to ensure that only they, and not the person with the most endorsements, have regional powers. In a democratic region such as Taijitu, the founder is not alowed to do this for no reason - they must get permission from the Senate. In less democratic regions, the delegate is not usually allowed to have or exercise these powers.
Delegate power is also restricted by influence. This is an in game vairable. All nations have an influence rating, based on the number of endorsements they have, the time they have had those endorsements and how long they have been in the region. Using delegate powers requires a certain amount of influence, and every time they are used influence is "spent". This means that in order to use the delegate powers in any quantity, the delegate must have a lot of influence.