[hide]old maps summary
4000 BC
Entire continent(s) Sindar Empire colored. Translates to, I guess, Sindar dominance of the Cefnor coasts? Might be retconned/revised. May also just be uncertain.
1500 BC
A third of continent(s) Dunedain Empire colored. Includes Minos, Myroria, Bennland, Finnland, Inglo-Scotia, and the Seven Baan on the map. The Seven Baan shouldn't be in it in the new chronology however, I think, nor in the successor empires as mentioned below. *Inglo-Scotia of course is now Prydainia.)
1000 BC
More of the continent Dunedain Empire colored. Includes above, also land up to but not including Haradrim homeland, much more of the old-Cefnor coastline.
500 BC
Much more colors now. Haradrim homeland, including some of what was previously Dunedain, now colored Haradrim color. Minos island and a peninisula in reach of it colored Minosian. modern Eluvatar, part of the Baan, and some more land colored Meneltarma Empire color. Myroria region, most of the Baan, and the land on the other side of them from modern Eluvatar all colored Verateminas Empire color. Small area around Pelagis colored Pelagian Empire color (though it's presumably not quite an empire yet). Inglo-Scotia, and everywhere else that was at any point in the Dunedain Empire, colored with hatching to indicate it is various minor states (not uncivilized barbarians).
400 BC
Some Meneltarman coasts now Minosian colored. Haradrim color spread a bit. Pelagian Empire color now covering a good third of modern Myroria. Verateminas Empire largely unchanged. Same thing going on with the hatching.
300 BC
Minosian color spreads a bit inland, including into some Verateminas holdings. Haradrim color spreads along coasts, and somewhat inland. Pelagian Empire color now covers a good half of modern Myroria. A maroon color appears, presumably for Myrorians nearby, but we've changed their place of origin.
200 BC
Collapse! Minosian color now larger than either Dunedain color. Haradrim empire further expands, covers the maroon. Pelagian e mpire expands along coasts into Verateminas territory, Meneltarma empire has lost half its coasts. Verateminas empire has lost 3/4 of its original territory, is limited to the remaining non-Pelagian part of modern Myroria basically.
100 BC
Monosian color spreads even farther, now covering half the coast of Cefnor or so (not penetrating very far except where they've eaten into the former Dunedain empires). Where they compete with the Haradrim, they appear to take the coast but leave the interior to them. Verateminas empire manages to regain some but not all of its recently lost coasts from the Pelagians. Half of modern Eluvatar colored the Minosian color.
10 AD
Verateminas Empire color no longer present. (Verateminas, the city, was sacked around 5 AD). Pelagian color spreads a bit farther, mostly along coasts. Minosian empire takes over other nearby former Verateminas holdings, and even a cape in the heartland of Eluvatar (still colored Meneltarma Empire color). Myrorian? maroon reappears between Pelagians and Haradrim. Haradrim reach opposite coast, near Pelagians (cutting them off from expansion away from Verateminas).
Eluvatar (talk) 12:01, 27 June 2014 (PDT)
Notes on later history
- By 600 AD: Meneltarama Empire dissolves, Meneltarma, Romenna, Ilium, Annuminas, Eldalondei, and Anor all claim successor status. (Each Tar claims to be supreme high priest with divine right to administrate over the universe :P )
- Prior to 1240 AD - diplomacy grows between the Tar, gradually leading to a shared church administration with the High Pontiff in Meneltarma working on behalf of the several Tars and bound by solemn oath not to favor any of them over the others. Eventually, the Tar-Romen uses the possibility of discussing mutual priorities to enjoin and bully the others into joining him.
- 1243 AD - Royal Confederacy established. Sitting Falastur Tar-Romen becomes Falastur Ruisigusugoriar Eluvatumi, first "King" over all of "Eluvatar" which are now things. The Confederation is fairly loose at first.
- 1400s AD - (current) Flag of Eluvatar adopted as flag of the Eluvataran Royal Navy, built up to combat various Minosian pirates and fleets.
- 1498 AD (?) - conquest of Minos, establishment of a Tar-Minos to govern the previously disunited isles.
- ~1630 AD (?) - Eluvatar, Ozia, Prydainia and the Myrorian houses defeat the Pelagian Empire. Myrorians take over its homeland, to build the new nation of Myroria.
- ~1710 AD to ~1750 AD - The Last King: conquest of Bennland and Finnland, failed invasion of Rykkovaa, weakening of the Dunedain power, Note of Absence.
- ~1750 AD to ~1850 AD - the chaotic century? Note of Absence used to establish constitutional democracy (effectively a parliamentary republic).
- 1867 AD - conquest of Rykkovaa
- 1898 AD to 1910 AD - The Great War