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{{Navbox Khem}}
{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country
|color= maroon
|text_color= yellow
|title=The Shining Empire
|title='''Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles'''
|native_name=Քհէմ Դափգէֆ Ոփկաէա
|translit_name=''Khem Ta'cef O'Gaea''
|flag=Al khem 216703.jpg
|flag=Al khem 216703.jpg
|arms=Khem Coat of Arms.jpg
|motto="Azuth Aion, Apieron Mitra"
|motto=''Beginning ending cosmic age we are one material bound to self.''
Begining/ending cosmic age, One material bound
|native_motto='''Aթեirժեներ ժաNՕսմո գաiմի'''
|anthem=Age of Glory
|translit_motto= Apeiros kn'osmo gaea
|area=3 million
|anthem=''Glorious Ta''
|native_anthem='''Սրանք բայց'''
|high_point=Mount Kallisti 3023M
|translit_anthem =Ta Lī Ma
|long_river=River Gentu
|high_point=[[Mount Kallisti]] 3023M
|long_river=[[River Gentu]]
|density=482 by land (1,206 actual)
|median_age=21.5 years
|median_age=21.5 years
|event1=Founding of Shining Empire
|event1=Founding of [[Pan-Cefnor Trade Company]]
|event1_date=June 21, 1000 BCE
|event1_date=1605 CE
|event2=Collapse of the Shining Empire
|event2=[[Children of Ta Revolt]]
|event2_date=December 1, 100 BCE
|event2_date=1850 CE
|event2a=Foundation of Peoples Glorious Library
|event2a_date=August 13, 1468 CE
|event2b=People's Shining Army takes control
|type=Democratic Confederation of City States, Previously Theocratic Principalities
|event2b_date=January 18, 1693 CE
|legislature=[[The Hall of Amenti]]
|official_language=al Khem
|official1=Mk'aelar Bara'war
|type=Enlightened Aristocratic Thalassocracy
|legislature=The Glorious Library
|office1=Agathos Daimon
|official1=Atri Kos
|official2=Manas Vol'elen
|official2=Manas Vol'elen
|currency=Kallisti Mark
|GDP=K 3.27 trillion  
|GDP=3.27 trillion  
|per_capita_GDP=K 36,179
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|measures=[[Eluvataran-Myrorian Standard]] (Metric)
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[[Category: RP Nations]]
[[Category: RP Nations]]
==Law of Khem==
"When I call them Librarians, let me not be understood as meaning no more than the term denotes with you. With us, our Librarians were administrators of all business, art, and science; Directors of trade, commerce, generalship, architecture, engineering, education, statesmanship, legislature, morality, theology; doing nothing themselves, they were the cause of everything worth doing, that was done by others."
-excerpt of a study on Khemish culture by doctoral student Jain Wei while studying at the Imperial College at Fellowmoor-</blockquote>
'''Khem''', sometimes known as '''The Khem''' or '''Al'Khem''', is an archipelago nation home to one of Taijitu's oldest civilizations. The Khemish civilization dates back 19,000 BCE as the first evidence of Khemish agrarian villages show themselves emerging from the nomadic al'Ta, there was also a division of burial practices in this time with the al'Khem beginning to use mounds as opposed to the al'Ta tree burial. These agrarian villages eventually became the principalities of Khem, whose caste systems defined the Khemish people for thousands of years. The cities of the al'Khem eventually became engineering marvels of the ancient world, perfectly blending land and water through canals, chinampas, hugelkultur and dams. The wealthy Librarians, the caste at the top of Khem society, controlled nearly everything and lived extravagantly, though eventually losing their grip on reality and soon after ruler-ship. Da'Kavo, a slave soldier caste, patrolled the streets acting as violent enforcers of Library edict in addition to their position in fighting foreign enemies. The builder caste, designed and lived comfortable, simple lives for themselves. While the "Servile" caste ostensibly had it the worst and were the forefront of historic revolutions, riots and civil rights movements. Lastly are the al'Ta who are a scattered tribal people still dwelling in the Hyades rain-forest and along various waterways in al'Khem, they practice an ancient animistic version of the Libraries Path of Truth. It is a multicultural nation, consisting mainly of ethnic Khems, Ozians, Moacians, Jutensans, Iadakans, Fre'zhi, Kar'zhi, Bustians, Lycanthropes, Dunedain, Edain, Minosian, Benn, Finn, Belaedinosi, and Funkadelians. Despite widespread poverty among the working class, an abundance of food ensures no Khem goes hungry.
# ''We the Most Pure of the People as the rightful rulers of Khem demand the right to govern Khem as we see fit as is our right by birth and Wisdom.''
# ''Only a member of the Most Pure of the People has such authority as such to rule Khem. A member of the Most Pure can only be one who is of the People, whom is deemed to be of pure blood on both sides for seven generations as determined by the Record and Law of the People's Glorious Library.''
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# ''Whoever has no citizenship or property status is to be able to live in Khem only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.''
# ''The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the People. Therefore we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in Council, the Military or Land Ownership, be filled only by those of the People.''
!Country Name:
# ''The first obligation of every citizen must be to work physically, creatively and scientifically toward the glorious progress of the People. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests or the Will of the Most Pure, but must have its result within the framework of the Law and Unity for the benefit of Khem and the People whether it is culture, technology or any other works.''
# ''We demand the nationalization of infrastructure and related industry for the benefit of the People. Only the People's Glorious Library may give permission and license to operate as a private corporation. All small business shall remain in its owners possession provided they are of the blood and pay their yearly tithes.''
Conventional Long Form: Peoples Confederation of al'Khem<br>
# ''We demand a land formed to our needs and by our Will for the purpose of advancement of Truth, Beauty and the prosperity of the People who live by Wisdom, Law and Purity.''
Conventional Short Form: Khem<br>
# ''We demand righteous war without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest of the People. Common national criminals, thieves, murderers and so forth are to be punished immediately with death, without consideration of confession or race.''
Abbreviation: P.R.K.<br>
# ''We demand the maintenance and funding of the People's Shining Army. Soldiers in this army shall come from the ranks of the People. Soldiers will be conscripted upon reaching the age of majority unless said youth is furthering their studies within the People's Glorious Library.''
Government Type<br>
# ''The good of the People before the good of any individual.''
Thalassocratic Republic <br>
# ''For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in Khem.''   
#*''Unlimited authority of the Alkahest over the whole of the People's Shining Army. Unlimited authority of the Agathos Daimon over the whole of the People's Glorious Library, Khem and its organizations in general.''
!National Holidays:
#*''The forming of state and profession chambers for the execution of the Law by the People's Glorious Library.''
Freedom Day: February 14<br>
Victory Festival: June 16 - June 26<br>
Solstices and Equinoxes<br>
Full Moons<br>
Official Languages: Khem, Eruvite, Ozian <br>
Recognized Languages: [[Cefish]], Jutensan, (other languages of the [[Cefnor Basin]])<br>
The Most commonly spoken secondary language is Ozian. <br>
Followed closely by Eruvite. Many fisherman and gardeners know Jutensan.<br>
Cefish is known in the service industries such as hotels and bars. <br>
NOTE: I am open to edits and linking with other nations in this section.
History of Khem
7000 BC Habitation of The islands of Khem.
circa 3000 BC - Sultanates of Khem unite. Successive dynasties witness flourishing maritime trade, prosperity and the development of great cultural and spiritual traditions. Writing, including hieroglyphics, is used as an instrument of state. Construction of the Hanging Gardens - around 2,500 BC - is a formidable engineering achievement.
* ~100KA BCE: Habitation of the islands of Khem by the Al’Ta people after the [great disaster].
* ~19KA BCE: Evidence of the first Al’Khem agrarian villages, a noted difference with Al’Ta fishing villages.
* ~8000 BCE: First evidence of Chinampas and Hugelkultur Cultivation in the villages of Al’Khem. Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
* ~8000 BCE: Dakhma first used in disposal of corpses by Al’Khem. Later versions of this structure are much larger due to a growing population.
* ~6000 BCE: Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
* ~6000 BCE: Cannabis seeds and oil used for food by Al’Khem.
* ~5000 BCE: Sericulture, the kiln and lacquer developed by Al’Khem.
* ~3900 BCE: Beginnings of the Path of Truth, the [[Ankesh Tablets]] erected.
* ~3500 BCE: Gahk'ell first domesticated in Khem.
* ~3100 BCE: The Sindar capture villages of Khem and force them into slavery for seventy generations later these people would be known as the Da’Kavo.
* ~3000 BCE: Sultanates of Khem unite. Begining of Ta Cycle calender
* ~2500 BCE: Fall of Sindar Empire due to slave revolt, the Da’Kavo lead this revolt with their Fre’zhi brethren. Though when they returned to their native lands they weren’t the same, a people hardened by Sindarian cruelty. The Sindarian caste system falls in all but the isles of Khem and the proto-Dunedain.
* ~2500 BCE: Bhaang first found in use among the lower castes of Khem, soon brought into use by the Library of Truth.
* ~2500 BCE: Hanging Gardens first created in Kannabarus, a living love poem to a Praemian princess by the sultan Kl’war’nghe.
* ~2400 BCE: The triplets known as the [[Hermetica]] are simultaneously crucified on three islands of Khem, they were considered one person and deified afterward.
* ~2000 BCE: Construction of the first Great Library and its tradition of architectural wonder on Lake Haali. Curiously also the first evidence of coca use.
* ~1985 BCE: Heliocentric model of the solar system first proposed by Hk’laesh of the Great Library of Haali, he was torn apart by hungry otters for his heresy.
* ~1600 -1250 BCE:  Da'Kavo (slave soldier) rule founding the Shining Empire, characterised by great prosperity, advances in engineering and well-ordered civic institutions .
* ~1550 BCE: Khems develop mirrors and begin piping sunlight into their subterranean structures.
* ~1400 BCE: Khemish Settler Junks full of livestock and supplies arrive on Jutensan shores.
* ~960 BCE: Porcelain popularizes in Al’Khem.
* ~897 BCE: Schism in Khem as many fight for the body to be sovereign, the Self Heresy eventually becomes the standard teachings of the Library of truth. This was extremely popular among women who previously had no choice in sexual partners.
* ~850 BCE: Rape becomes illegal in Khem. As does beeding outside of caste.
* ~450 BCE: Khem establishes a heliocentric model of the solar system.
* 100-234 CE: Pelagian invasion of Al’Khem, punctuated by short lived victories and territory constantly shifting between factions. 
* 250 CE: Eruvist cults discovered by the Great Library of Carcossa, the Akasa’Datu Da’Kavo are formed to root them out.
* 600 CE: The first attempt of Akasa'Datu Da'Kavo to steal the Whispers, the Akasa’Datu are hunted down by Videnti after barely escaping the tower. Beginning of strained relations.
* 600 CE: Ozians blockade Khem in revenge for the Whispers incident.
* 610 CE: Khems make amends for the incident with offers of gold and spices.
* 810 CE: Khemish shipyards boom with activity as The Library invests heavily in the Apa’Datu Da’Kavo and their shipping schemes.
* 1232 CE: First official military use of rockets when Al’Khem used their թռչող հակահրդեհային սուրն (flying fire lances) to repel Ozian invaders from the city Bara’kaal.
* 1345 CE: Khemist Librarians decide to study the bottom of Lake Haali by sectional dredging, biological interest soars as Library Naturalists come to observe the wonders of the world below.
* 1432 CE: The Great Library codifies “Servile Rights” for the first time. This puts an end to Khemish involvement in the slave trade as a supplier and instead the nation focuses on importation of slaves and transition into the servile caste.
* 1610 CE: Pelargir Company chartered.
* 1747 CE: Khemish Whaling peaks.
* 1840 CE: Al’Khem adopts the Gaeanist alphabet, this cuts down significantly on Library paperwork and simplifies the Great Record. The beginning of rewriting the Great Record.
* 1850 CE: Children of Ta Revolution begins.
* 1914 CE: Librarian Nek'ko Tes'h'la develops alternating current bringing also the electrification of Khemish cities with the Gentu River Project. Hydroelectric power becomes a reality.
* 1926 CE: Ozian Communists spread propaganda in Khem, civil unrest rises.
669 BC - [[Haradrim]] Caliphate conquers Khem.
Al'Khem is an archipelago nation with a tropical rain-forest climate on the central islands and a wet mediterranean climate on the outlying islands. It lies in the south-eastern region of the [[Cefnor]] Sea and is considered part of the Pelagean sub-continent within the greater Cefnor super-continent. Roughly 75% of this nations territory is maritime, claiming a large swath of ocean and the [[Kelali Reefs]].  
525 BC - [[Ozian]] conquest.
332 BC - Kallisti the Great, of ancient [[Myroria|Palagia]], conquers Khem, founds Kallistria on the shores of Lake Haali. A Palagian dynasty rules until 31 BC.
31 BC - Khem comes under Haradrim rule; Alkahest Mudri commits suicide after the crushing defeat of her forces.
642 AD - [[Austrasian]] conquest of Khem.
969 - [[Carcossa]] established as capital.
1250-1517 - [[Da'Kavo]] (slave soldier) rule founding the People's Army, characterised by great prosperity and well-ordered civic institutions.
1517 - Khem founds her independance and reestablishes a mighty shipping industry.
1798 - Khem allies with [[Austrasia]]. [[Ozian]] missionaries set off a fierce resurgance of philosophical debate within the Library of Kallistria.
1859-69 - People's Library Constructed in Carcossa outshining the Library of Kallistria.
1882 - Harad troops conquer. Founding of the [[Shadow Library]].
1914 - Khem becomes an Austrasian protectorate.
1922 - Haven I becomes Alkahest of Khem and Khem gains its independence.
1928 - [[Brothers of Light]] founded by [[Xyre en'Rek]].
1936 - April - Farrik succeeds his father as Alkahest of Khem.
1949 February - [[Xyre en'Rek]] of the Brothers of Light is assassinated.
1949 - Committee of the [[Most Pure]] formed.
1952 January - At least 20 people are killed in anti-Haradrim riots in Carcossa.
1952 - Coup by the Most Pure. Farrik abdicates in favour of his opposition [[Librarian Mikkel]].
Republic declared
1953 - Coup leader Librarian Mikkel becomes Agathos Daimon as Khem is declared a republic.
Please wait...
A work in progress.
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|Mediterranean Wet(outlying islands)/Tropical Rainforest (The rest)
|Mediterranean Wet(Mausoka Isles, Outlying Isles)
|Tropical Rainforest (Mount Kallisti, Khem'al Isles, Apeiros Isles)
!Elevation Extremes
!Elevation Extremes
|Lowest Point: [[Lake Haali]] -.005 m<br>
Lowest Point: Lake Hali -.005 m<br>
|Highest Point: [[Mount Kallisti]] 3023 m<br>
Highest Point: Mount Kallisti 3023 m<br>
|Fog Time Boisaire - Tonneral<br>
|Wet Season Tonneral - Cielidor<br>
|Dry Season Lumidor - Aquiare<br>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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! colspan="7" style="background:#e9e9e9; padding:0.3em;" 0; line-height:1.2em;|Largest metropolitan areas
Population Growth Rate:<br>
! style="text-align:center; background:#f5f5f5;"| <small>#</small>
! style="text-align:left; background:#f5f5f5;"| City
Noun: Khem<br>
! style="text-align:center; background:#f5f5f5;"| Population
Adjective: Khemish<br>
Ethnic Groups<br>
Khem 67% (30% servile, 32% craftsmen, 18% librarian, 20% soldier)<br>
Ozian 10%<br>
Harad 9%<br>
Austrasian 8%<br>
Other 6%<br>
!Khem Racial Profile:
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 1 ||align=left | '''[[Carcossa]]''' || 20,007,000||
|eye color:<br>
blue 30% servile<br>
green 32% craftsmen<br>
indigo 18% librarian<br>
grey 20% soldier<br>
Description: The Khem people are of a dark complexion with strong graceful bone structures, many geneticists believe that the long history of ruler mandated eugenics programs are the root cause of their uniformity comparative to most genetic stock. Most are not a tall people but due to a culture which strongy encourages physical readiness, they are rarely out of shape.<br><br> The Servile have the darkest complexion and tend to have rough feet and hands from their barefooted labor of generations. They generally dreadlock their rough black hair as a symbol of their peace with their ideal of god. The most passive and hardy Servile are encouraged to breed and given to the life of procreation and Library ordered drug use. <br><br> The Craftsmen keep their straight black hair cut short and angular with certain careful geometries implying one craft or another. Their build tends to be slight by general comparison to the other Khemish races. The most industrious are given most leeway for breeding and posessions.<br><br> Soldiers have a tough life from the moment they can walk, due to previous breeding success by the Library all Soldiers are born with allupecia and are free from any body hair. They stand 6'4" on average over a foot taller than other Khems 5'2". Soldiers are to a woman the epitome of fitness, they have never been presented any other choice in how to be. These children of seperation are given breeding rights by rank and combat effectiveness. <br><br> Lastly the Khemish librarians are pale compared to the rest of the lands people. Theit indigo eyes are complemented by long black hair often worked into intricate braids. As the true power in al Khem their line has the highest rate of insanity among all those of Khem. Their own internal hierachy decides breeding rights though some suggest an external genetic infusion may be necessary to stabalize their line.
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 2 ||align=left | '''[[Apeiros]]''' || 16,703,500||
The People follow the Path of Truth, a monotheistic religion and strict philosophical system wherein ones born Caste determines the Path to greatest honor within the divine tapestry of cosmic unfoldment. Though not all of the People hold this faith in their hearts they certainly make a good show of it as heresy is often punished. The Path of Truth is maintained by the People's Glorious Library. The most dramatic of their beliefs is that all of humanity shares a single soul marking the struggles of all greater than the profits of any individual.<br>
Laws of Truth
The Law of Stillness:<br>
Take time to be silent, to just BE. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. Practice non-judgment.
The Law of Karma:<br>
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.
The Law of Least Resistance:<br>
Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems. Relinquish the need to defend your point of view. The universe finds the path let it control you, take time and breath. Then just flow in the situation and the outcome will turn out for the best.
The Law of Detachment:<br>
Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions—allow solutions to be emergent. You will get better results if you pay attention to the signs left by the One.
The Law of Dharma
Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents. Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.
more to come
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 3 ||align=left | '''[[Azuth]]''' || 12,450,900||
Official Language: Khemish <br>
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| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 4 ||align=left | '''[[Platholenes]]''' || 7,197,350||
Oil (and allot of it, offshore wells)<br>
Grain (rice, cocoa, coffee, beans)<br>
Narcotic (tobacco, opium, cannabis, DMT, LSD, coca)<br>
Medicine (refined from natural sources)<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 5 ||align=left | '''[[l'Karevo]]''' || 6,129,708||
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 6 ||align=left | '''[[Kl'war]]''' || 6,101,967||
Bok Choy<br>
Collard Greens<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 7 ||align=left | '''[[Azu'kaal]]''' || 6,095,367||
Snail (meat) <br>
Frog (poison, hallucinogen, meat) <br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 9 ||align=left | '''[[Mhe'n'war]]''' || 5,069,108 ||
Khemish Turtle (armor, industrial materials, meat, eggs, leather, labor)<br>
Seaweed (vegetable)<br>
Crocodile (meat, eggs, leather)<br>
Fish (More fish of various sorts than you could shake a stick at) <br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 10 ||align=left | '''[[Ta'kaal]]''' || 4,069,000 ||
Oil (offshore lots of it)<br>
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!Country Name:
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 11 ||align=left | '''[[Apenuur]]''' || 4,037,803 ||
Conventional Long Form: The Shining Empire of Khem<br>
Conventional Short Form: Khem<br>
Abbreviation: S.E.K.<br>
Government Type<br>
Enlightened Aristocratic Thalassocracy<br>
!National Holidays:
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 12 ||align=left | '''[[Mk'war]]''' || 3,069,605 ||
Freedom Day: February 14<br>
Victory Festival: June 16 - June 26<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 13 ||align=left | '''[[Mk'agl]]''' || 3,065,192 ||
Market Socialism with Syndicalist Corporations<br>
Significant Trade Relationships<br>
Economy Overview:<br>
well known for its gold, gems, hemp, coffee, food, shipping, copper, solar and wind power, garments and other products Khem is a vibrant trading nation.<br>
Also notable for the food forests which sustain the People, hunger is a <br> thing of the past for the people of Khem.<br>
!Major Industries:
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 14 ||align=left | '''[[Mk'kaal]]''' || 3,059,753 ||
Luxury Travel<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 15 ||align=left | '''[[Nak'kaal]]''' || 3,048,420 ||
Giant purple heart trees<br>
Giant birch trees<br>
Giant cherry blossom trees<br>
Giant Fig Trees<br>
Cocoa Tree<br>
Coffee Plants<br>
Tea Plants<br>
2,000+ other species of trees<br>
10,000+ species of flower<br>
1,000+ species of fruit bearing trees<br>
500 species of seaweed<br>
![[Fauna of Khem|Fauna]]:
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 16 ||align=left | '''[[Rl'yeh]]''' || 3,037,858 ||
Khemish Lake Turtle<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 17 ||align=left | '''[[Hyaden]]''' || 3,025,120 ||
Khem Coy<br>
Khemish Catfish<br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 18 ||align=left | '''[[Barakan]]''' || 3,017,148 ||
600-800 species of mammals, including: the jaguar, puma, ocelot, sloth, <br>
jaguarundi, armadillos, anteaters, tapirs, capybaras, dozens of species of <br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 19 ||align=left | '''[[Horun]]''' || 3,012,593 ||
monkeys, bats, and pink dolphins.<br>
1,500 species of birds, including: Amazon parrot, toucan, egrets, crakes, <br>
| style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"| 20 ||align=left | '''[[Bara'kaal]]''' || 2,869,969 ||
eagles, owls, oropendulas, peacocks, blue macaw, trogons, hummingbirds, <br>
blue heron, spix's guan, and many others.<br>
3,000+ species of fish, including: piranha, piracucu, silver dollar fish, <br>
catfish, dogfish, salmon, smelt.<br>
1,200+ species of reptiles, including: caiman, a myriad of snakes, race <br>
runners, yellow spotted side-necked turtle, basiliscus lizard, boa, yellow <br>
footed tortoise, iguana<br>
250,000+ species of insects, including 1,300+ species of butterflies, ants, <br>
beetles, mantis, wasps, spiders, etc.<br>
New species are discovered every day.<br>
==People's Shining Army==
This ancient culture is often known as one of the birthplaces of civilization. Khemish influence can be seen in from Ozia to Jutensa. At the heart of this influence is the belief in the commons as a place for their people to live and not merely marketplaces. In the isles of the Khem we see not only a unique architectural style (as well known I expect as the Delfian Nara) but also styles of dress uncommon outside lands they did not help shape. Many visitors to al'Khem remark about how free and candid the Khemish people are when it comes to drug use. Addiction is rare and treated as a mental health issue, the Khems regard addicts as those who feel powerless. Traditional alcoholic beverages and herbal tinctures are served right alongside Letonnese lagers, Ozian zuavka and Eruvite wine (especially enjoyed by the Gardeners for the songs which grace the vineyards). Foreign hairstyles have become increasingly popular since the 1950's, the most popular among young women being the "Fre'dee". Movies are incredibly popular as a group activity with Delfian films often rating top at the box office. Television is largely news, documentaries, morality tales, dramas, comedies, animation and tourist commercials. A do it yourself mentality pervades with many Khems homebrewing, gardening, blacksmithing, leatherworking, etc. A Khem without a craft to their name is an anomaly with basic instruction in art being mandatory in the Khemish education system. There is a disdain for automobiles is unmatched by any but the Ozians (and look at the travesty when they DO make a car!). Many still cling to using Gahk'ell labor and boats when not taking advantage of the immense network of public transportation infrastructure.
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAT-49 MAT-49]<br>
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_Mle_1950 MAC-50]<br>
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FR_F1 FR-F1]<br>
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Model_14 StarModel14]<br>
==People's Glorious Library==
{| class="wikitable"
!Scientific Body:
!Library Bureaucracy:
'''Carcossa The Shining City:'''<br>
[[File:Carcossa01.jpg|500×300px|Carcossa The Shining City]]
==The People's Glorious Library Foreign Emissary Compound==
===Festivals and Holy Days===
==Natural Features==
[[File:GentuLightning.jpg|500px|Gentu Lightning]]<br>
[[Gentu Lightning]]<br>
[[File:Sandsofhaali.jpg|500px|Beaches of Lake Haali]]<br>
Beaches of Lake Haali<br>
[[File:UichiRyanLake.jpg|500px|Headwaters of lake Ti'kili]]<br>
Headwaters of lake Ti'kili<br>
[[File:MountKallisti.jpg|500px|Mount Kallisti]]<br>
An artistic rendering of the mist bedecked Mount Kallisti<br>
[[File:Rivergentu.jpg|500px|River Gentu]]<br>
Coy farmers on the River Gentu<br><br>

Latest revision as of 23:25, 14 April 2015

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
Քհէմ Դափգէֆ Ոփկաէա
Khem Ta'cef O'Gaea
Flag of al'Khem Coat of Arms of al'Khem
Flag Coat of Arms
'Motto: 'Aթեirժեներ ժաNՕսմո գաiմի
Apeiros kn'osmo gaea
Beginning ending cosmic age we are one material bound to self.
'Anthem: 'Սրանք բայց
Ta Lī Ma
Glorious Ta
Location of al'Khem
Area 845,375.52km2
Water (%) 75%
Highest point Mount Kallisti 3023M
Longest river River Gentu
Population 102,521,000
• Density 482 by land (1,206 actual)/km2
• Growth 0.2%/year
Median age 21.5 years years
Demonym Khem
Founding of Pan-Cefnor Trade Company 1605 CE

Children of Ta Revolt 1850 CE
Capital Carcossa
Official language Khem
Type Democratic Confederation of City States, Previously Theocratic Principalities
Legislature The Hall of Amenti
En'ku Mk'aelar Bara'war
Alkahest Manas Vol'elen

Islands 137
Currency Ta (≗) (T)
GDP ≗ 3.27 trillion
• Per capita ≗ 36,179
• Growth 9%/year

34% Agriculture
45% Industry
21% Services

Unemployment 2%
Gini .34
Life expectancy 102 years
Improved water access 100%
Literacy 98%
Enrollment 73%
• Primary 73%
• Secondary 65%
• Tertiary 20%
Measures Eluvataran-Myrorian Standard (Metric)
Date format month-day-year
Traffic Right-hand
ISO code AK
Internet TLD .kh
Calling code +42

"When I call them Librarians, let me not be understood as meaning no more than the term denotes with you. With us, our Librarians were administrators of all business, art, and science; Directors of trade, commerce, generalship, architecture, engineering, education, statesmanship, legislature, morality, theology; doing nothing themselves, they were the cause of everything worth doing, that was done by others."

-excerpt of a study on Khemish culture by doctoral student Jain Wei while studying at the Imperial College at Fellowmoor-

Khem, sometimes known as The Khem or Al'Khem, is an archipelago nation home to one of Taijitu's oldest civilizations. The Khemish civilization dates back 19,000 BCE as the first evidence of Khemish agrarian villages show themselves emerging from the nomadic al'Ta, there was also a division of burial practices in this time with the al'Khem beginning to use mounds as opposed to the al'Ta tree burial. These agrarian villages eventually became the principalities of Khem, whose caste systems defined the Khemish people for thousands of years. The cities of the al'Khem eventually became engineering marvels of the ancient world, perfectly blending land and water through canals, chinampas, hugelkultur and dams. The wealthy Librarians, the caste at the top of Khem society, controlled nearly everything and lived extravagantly, though eventually losing their grip on reality and soon after ruler-ship. Da'Kavo, a slave soldier caste, patrolled the streets acting as violent enforcers of Library edict in addition to their position in fighting foreign enemies. The builder caste, designed and lived comfortable, simple lives for themselves. While the "Servile" caste ostensibly had it the worst and were the forefront of historic revolutions, riots and civil rights movements. Lastly are the al'Ta who are a scattered tribal people still dwelling in the Hyades rain-forest and along various waterways in al'Khem, they practice an ancient animistic version of the Libraries Path of Truth. It is a multicultural nation, consisting mainly of ethnic Khems, Ozians, Moacians, Jutensans, Iadakans, Fre'zhi, Kar'zhi, Bustians, Lycanthropes, Dunedain, Edain, Minosian, Benn, Finn, Belaedinosi, and Funkadelians. Despite widespread poverty among the working class, an abundance of food ensures no Khem goes hungry.


Country Name:

Conventional Long Form: Peoples Confederation of al'Khem
Conventional Short Form: Khem
Abbreviation: P.R.K.
Government Type
Thalassocratic Republic

National Holidays:

Freedom Day: February 14
Victory Festival: June 16 - June 26
Solstices and Equinoxes
Full Moons


Official Languages: Khem, Eruvite, Ozian

Recognized Languages: Cefish, Jutensan, (other languages of the Cefnor Basin)
The Most commonly spoken secondary language is Ozian.
Followed closely by Eruvite. Many fisherman and gardeners know Jutensan.
Cefish is known in the service industries such as hotels and bars.


  • ~100KA BCE: Habitation of the islands of Khem by the Al’Ta people after the [great disaster].
  • ~19KA BCE: Evidence of the first Al’Khem agrarian villages, a noted difference with Al’Ta fishing villages.
  • ~8000 BCE: First evidence of Chinampas and Hugelkultur Cultivation in the villages of Al’Khem. Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
  • ~8000 BCE: Dakhma first used in disposal of corpses by Al’Khem. Later versions of this structure are much larger due to a growing population.
  • ~6000 BCE: Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
  • ~6000 BCE: Cannabis seeds and oil used for food by Al’Khem.
  • ~5000 BCE: Sericulture, the kiln and lacquer developed by Al’Khem.
  • ~3900 BCE: Beginnings of the Path of Truth, the Ankesh Tablets erected.
  • ~3500 BCE: Gahk'ell first domesticated in Khem.
  • ~3100 BCE: The Sindar capture villages of Khem and force them into slavery for seventy generations later these people would be known as the Da’Kavo.
  • ~3000 BCE: Sultanates of Khem unite. Begining of Ta Cycle calender
  • ~2500 BCE: Fall of Sindar Empire due to slave revolt, the Da’Kavo lead this revolt with their Fre’zhi brethren. Though when they returned to their native lands they weren’t the same, a people hardened by Sindarian cruelty. The Sindarian caste system falls in all but the isles of Khem and the proto-Dunedain.
  • ~2500 BCE: Bhaang first found in use among the lower castes of Khem, soon brought into use by the Library of Truth.
  • ~2500 BCE: Hanging Gardens first created in Kannabarus, a living love poem to a Praemian princess by the sultan Kl’war’nghe.
  • ~2400 BCE: The triplets known as the Hermetica are simultaneously crucified on three islands of Khem, they were considered one person and deified afterward.
  • ~2000 BCE: Construction of the first Great Library and its tradition of architectural wonder on Lake Haali. Curiously also the first evidence of coca use.
  • ~1985 BCE: Heliocentric model of the solar system first proposed by Hk’laesh of the Great Library of Haali, he was torn apart by hungry otters for his heresy.
  • ~1600 -1250 BCE: Da'Kavo (slave soldier) rule founding the Shining Empire, characterised by great prosperity, advances in engineering and well-ordered civic institutions .
  • ~1550 BCE: Khems develop mirrors and begin piping sunlight into their subterranean structures.
  • ~1400 BCE: Khemish Settler Junks full of livestock and supplies arrive on Jutensan shores.
  • ~960 BCE: Porcelain popularizes in Al’Khem.
  • ~897 BCE: Schism in Khem as many fight for the body to be sovereign, the Self Heresy eventually becomes the standard teachings of the Library of truth. This was extremely popular among women who previously had no choice in sexual partners.
  • ~850 BCE: Rape becomes illegal in Khem. As does beeding outside of caste.
  • ~450 BCE: Khem establishes a heliocentric model of the solar system.
  • 100-234 CE: Pelagian invasion of Al’Khem, punctuated by short lived victories and territory constantly shifting between factions.
  • 250 CE: Eruvist cults discovered by the Great Library of Carcossa, the Akasa’Datu Da’Kavo are formed to root them out.
  • 600 CE: The first attempt of Akasa'Datu Da'Kavo to steal the Whispers, the Akasa’Datu are hunted down by Videnti after barely escaping the tower. Beginning of strained relations.
  • 600 CE: Ozians blockade Khem in revenge for the Whispers incident.
  • 610 CE: Khems make amends for the incident with offers of gold and spices.
  • 810 CE: Khemish shipyards boom with activity as The Library invests heavily in the Apa’Datu Da’Kavo and their shipping schemes.
  • 1232 CE: First official military use of rockets when Al’Khem used their թռչող հակահրդեհային սուրն (flying fire lances) to repel Ozian invaders from the city Bara’kaal.
  • 1345 CE: Khemist Librarians decide to study the bottom of Lake Haali by sectional dredging, biological interest soars as Library Naturalists come to observe the wonders of the world below.
  • 1432 CE: The Great Library codifies “Servile Rights” for the first time. This puts an end to Khemish involvement in the slave trade as a supplier and instead the nation focuses on importation of slaves and transition into the servile caste.
  • 1610 CE: Pelargir Company chartered.
  • 1747 CE: Khemish Whaling peaks.
  • 1840 CE: Al’Khem adopts the Gaeanist alphabet, this cuts down significantly on Library paperwork and simplifies the Great Record. The beginning of rewriting the Great Record.
  • 1850 CE: Children of Ta Revolution begins.
  • 1914 CE: Librarian Nek'ko Tes'h'la develops alternating current bringing also the electrification of Khemish cities with the Gentu River Project. Hydroelectric power becomes a reality.
  • 1926 CE: Ozian Communists spread propaganda in Khem, civil unrest rises.


Al'Khem is an archipelago nation with a tropical rain-forest climate on the central islands and a wet mediterranean climate on the outlying islands. It lies in the south-eastern region of the Cefnor Sea and is considered part of the Pelagean sub-continent within the greater Cefnor super-continent. Roughly 75% of this nations territory is maritime, claiming a large swath of ocean and the Kelali Reefs.

Climate Mediterranean Wet(Mausoka Isles, Outlying Isles) Tropical Rainforest (Mount Kallisti, Khem'al Isles, Apeiros Isles)
Elevation Extremes Lowest Point: Lake Haali -.005 m
Highest Point: Mount Kallisti 3023 m
Seasons Fog Time Boisaire - Tonneral
Wet Season Tonneral - Cielidor
Dry Season Lumidor - Aquiare


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Largest metropolitan areas


# City Population


1 Carcossa 20,007,000
2 Apeiros 16,703,500
3 Azuth 12,450,900
4 Platholenes 7,197,350
5 l'Karevo 6,129,708
6 Kl'war 6,101,967
7 Azu'kaal 6,095,367
9 Mhe'n'war 5,069,108
10 Ta'kaal 4,069,000
11 Apenuur 4,037,803
12 Mk'war 3,069,605
13 Mk'agl 3,065,192
14 Mk'kaal 3,059,753
15 Nak'kaal 3,048,420
16 Rl'yeh 3,037,858
17 Hyaden 3,025,120
18 Barakan 3,017,148
19 Horun 3,012,593
20 Bara'kaal 2,869,969


This ancient culture is often known as one of the birthplaces of civilization. Khemish influence can be seen in from Ozia to Jutensa. At the heart of this influence is the belief in the commons as a place for their people to live and not merely marketplaces. In the isles of the Khem we see not only a unique architectural style (as well known I expect as the Delfian Nara) but also styles of dress uncommon outside lands they did not help shape. Many visitors to al'Khem remark about how free and candid the Khemish people are when it comes to drug use. Addiction is rare and treated as a mental health issue, the Khems regard addicts as those who feel powerless. Traditional alcoholic beverages and herbal tinctures are served right alongside Letonnese lagers, Ozian zuavka and Eruvite wine (especially enjoyed by the Gardeners for the songs which grace the vineyards). Foreign hairstyles have become increasingly popular since the 1950's, the most popular among young women being the "Fre'dee". Movies are incredibly popular as a group activity with Delfian films often rating top at the box office. Television is largely news, documentaries, morality tales, dramas, comedies, animation and tourist commercials. A do it yourself mentality pervades with many Khems homebrewing, gardening, blacksmithing, leatherworking, etc. A Khem without a craft to their name is an anomaly with basic instruction in art being mandatory in the Khemish education system. There is a disdain for automobiles is unmatched by any but the Ozians (and look at the travesty when they DO make a car!). Many still cling to using Gahk'ell labor and boats when not taking advantage of the immense network of public transportation infrastructure.










Festivals and Holy Days

Natural Features

Gentu Lightning
Gentu Lightning
Beaches of Lake Haali
Beaches of Lake Haali
Headwaters of lake Ti'kili
Headwaters of lake Ti'kili

Mount Kallisti
An artistic rendering of the mist bedecked Mount Kallisti

River Gentu
Coy farmers on the River Gentu