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Template:Navbox Khem

The Shining Empire of Khem
Flag of Khem Coat of Arms of Khem
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Azuth Aion, Apieron Mitra"

Begining/ending cosmic age, One material bound

Anthem: Age of Glory
Location of Khem
Area 3 millionkm2
Water (%) 70%
Highest point Mount Kallisti 3023M
Longest river River Gentu
Population 102,521,000
• Density 3.075/km2
• Growth 0.1%/year
Median age 21.5 years years
Demonym Khem
Founding of Shining Empire June 21, 1000 BCE

Collapse of the Shining Empire December 1, 100 BCE
•  Foundation of Peoples Glorious Library
August 13, 1468 CE
Capital Carcosa
Official language al Khem
Type Thalassocratic Ethnocratic Technocratic Theocratic Geniocratic Plantation State
Legislature The Glorious Library
Agathos Daimon Atri Kos
Alkahest Manas Vol'elen

Islands 107
Currency Kallisti Mark (K) (KM)
GDP K 3.27 trillion
• Per capita K 36,179
• Growth 9%/year

38% Agriculture
32% Industry
18% Services

Unemployment 12%
Gini .5
Life expectancy 102 years
Improved water access 100%
Literacy 98%
Enrollment 73%
• Primary 73%
• Secondary 65%
• Tertiary 20%
Measures Metric
Date format month-day-year
Traffic Right-hand
ISO code SEK
Internet TLD .kh
Calling code +42

Law of Khem

  1. We the Most Pure of the People as the rightful rulers of Khem demand the right to govern Khem as we see fit as is our right by birth and Wisdom.
  2. Only a member of the Most Pure of the People has such authority as such to rule Khem. A member of the Most Pure can only be one who is of the People, whom is deemed to be of pure blood on both sides for seven generations as determined by the Record and Law of the People's Glorious Library.
  3. Whoever has no citizenship or property status is to be able to live in Khem only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.
  4. The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the People. Therefore we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in Council, the Military or Land Ownership, be filled only by those of the People.
  5. The first obligation of every citizen must be to work physically, creatively and scientifically toward the glorious progress of the People. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests or the Will of the Most Pure, but must have its result within the framework of the Law and Unity for the benefit of Khem and the People whether it is culture, technology or any other works.
  6. We demand the nationalization of infrastructure and related industry for the benefit of the People. Only the People's Glorious Library may give permission and license to operate as a private corporation. All small business shall remain in its owners possession provided they are of the blood and pay their yearly tithes.
  7. We demand a land formed to our needs and by our Will for the purpose of advancement of Truth, Beauty and the prosperity of the People who live by Wisdom, Law and Purity.
  8. We demand righteous war without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest of the People. Common national criminals, thieves, murderers and so forth are to be punished immediately with death, without consideration of confession or race.
  9. We demand the maintenance and funding of the People's Shining Army. Soldiers in this army shall come from the ranks of the People. Soldiers will be conscripted upon reaching the age of majority unless said youth is furthering their studies within the People's Glorious Library.
  10. The good of the People before the good of any individual.
  11. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in Khem.
    • Unlimited authority of the Alkahest over the whole of the People's Shining Army. Unlimited authority of the Agathos Daimon over the whole of the People's Glorious Library, Khem and its organizations in general.
    • The forming of state and profession chambers for the execution of the Law by the People's Glorious Library.


NOTE: I am open to edits and linking with other nations in this section.
History of Khem

7000 BC Habitation of The islands of Khem.

circa 3000 BC - Sultanates of Khem unite. Successive dynasties witness flourishing maritime trade, prosperity and the development of great cultural and spiritual traditions. Writing, including hieroglyphics, is used as an instrument of state. Construction of the Hanging Gardens - around 2,500 BC - is a formidable engineering achievement.

669 BC - Haradrim Caliphate conquers Khem.

525 BC - Ozian conquest.

332 BC - Kallisti the Great, of ancient Palagia, conquers Khem, founds Kallistria on the shores of Lake Haali. A Palagian dynasty rules until 31 BC.

31 BC - Khem comes under Haradrim rule; Alkahest Mudri commits suicide after the crushing defeat of her forces.

642 AD - Austrasian conquest of Khem.

969 - Carcossa established as capital.

1250-1517 - Da'Kavo (slave soldier) rule founding the People's Army, characterised by great prosperity and well-ordered civic institutions.

1517 - Khem founds her independance and reestablishes a mighty shipping industry.

1798 - Khem allies with Austrasia. Ozian missionaries set off a fierce resurgance of philosophical debate within the Library of Kallistria.

1859-69 - People's Library Constructed in Carcossa outshining the Library of Kallistria.

1882 - Harad troops conquer. Founding of the Shadow Library.

1914 - Khem becomes an Austrasian protectorate.

1922 - Haven I becomes Alkahest of Khem and Khem gains its independence.

1928 - Brothers of Light founded by Xyre en'Rek.

1936 - April - Farrik succeeds his father as Alkahest of Khem.

1949 February - Xyre en'Rek of the Brothers of Light is assassinated.

1949 - Committee of the Most Pure formed.

1952 January - At least 20 people are killed in anti-Haradrim riots in Carcossa.

1952 - Coup by the Most Pure. Farrik abdicates in favour of his opposition Librarian Mikkel.

Republic declared

1953 - Coup leader Librarian Mikkel becomes Agathos Daimon as Khem is declared a republic.

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Climate Mediterranean Wet(outlying islands)/Tropical Rainforest (The rest)
Elevation Extremes

Lowest Point: Lake Hali -.005 m
Highest Point: Mount Kallisti 3023 m



Population Growth Rate:
Noun: Khem
Adjective: Khemish
Ethnic Groups
Khem 67% (30% servile, 32% craftsmen, 18% librarian, 20% soldier)
Ozian 10%
Harad 9%
Austrasian 8%
Other 6%

Khem Racial Profile: eye color:

blue 30% servile
green 32% craftsmen
indigo 18% librarian
grey 20% soldier

Description: The Khem people are of a dark complexion with strong graceful bone structures, many geneticists believe that the long history of ruler mandated eugenics programs are the root cause of their uniformity comparative to most genetic stock. Most are not a tall people but due to a culture which strongy encourages physical readiness, they are rarely out of shape.

The Servile have the darkest complexion and tend to have rough feet and hands from their barefooted labor of generations. They generally dreadlock their rough black hair as a symbol of their peace with their ideal of god. The most passive and hardy Servile are encouraged to breed and given to the life of procreation and Library ordered drug use.

The Craftsmen keep their straight black hair cut short and angular with certain careful geometries implying one craft or another. Their build tends to be slight by general comparison to the other Khemish races. The most industrious are given most leeway for breeding and posessions.

Soldiers have a tough life from the moment they can walk, due to previous breeding success by the Library all Soldiers are born with allupecia and are free from any body hair. They stand 6'4" on average over a foot taller than other Khems 5'2". Soldiers are to a woman the epitome of fitness, they have never been presented any other choice in how to be. These children of seperation are given breeding rights by rank and combat effectiveness.

Lastly the Khemish librarians are pale compared to the rest of the lands people. Theit indigo eyes are complemented by long black hair often worked into intricate braids. As the true power in al Khem their line has the highest rate of insanity among all those of Khem. Their own internal hierachy decides breeding rights though some suggest an external genetic infusion may be necessary to stabalize their line.


The People follow the Path of Truth, a monotheistic religion and strict philosophical system wherein ones born Caste determines the Path to greatest honor within the divine tapestry of cosmic unfoldment. Though not all of the People hold this faith in their hearts they certainly make a good show of it as heresy is often punished. The Path of Truth is maintained by the People's Glorious Library. The most dramatic of their beliefs is that all of humanity shares a single soul marking the struggles of all greater than the profits of any individual.

Laws of Truth

The Law of Stillness:
Take time to be silent, to just BE. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. Practice non-judgment.

The Law of Karma:
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.

The Law of Least Resistance:
Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems. Relinquish the need to defend your point of view. The universe finds the path let it control you, take time and breath. Then just flow in the situation and the outcome will turn out for the best.

The Law of Detachment:
Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions—allow solutions to be emergent. You will get better results if you pay attention to the signs left by the One.

The Law of Dharma Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents. Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.
more to come


Official Language: Khemish



Oil (and allot of it, offshore wells)
Grain (rice, cocoa, coffee, beans)
Narcotic (tobacco, opium, cannabis, DMT, LSD, coca)
Medicine (refined from natural sources)




Bok Choy
Collard Greens


Snail (meat)
Frog (poison, hallucinogen, meat)


Khemish Turtle (armor, industrial materials, meat, eggs, leather, labor)
Seaweed (vegetable)
Crocodile (meat, eggs, leather)
Fish (More fish of various sorts than you could shake a stick at)


Oil (offshore lots of it)


Country Name:

Conventional Long Form: The Shining Empire of Khem
Conventional Short Form: Khem
Abbreviation: S.E.K.
Government Type
Enlightened Aristocratic Thalassocracy

National Holidays:

Freedom Day: February 14
Victory Festival: June 16 - June 26


Market Socialism with Syndicalist Corporations
Significant Trade Relationships
Economy Overview:
well known for its gold, gems, hemp, coffee, food, shipping, copper, solar and wind power, garments and other products Khem is a vibrant trading nation.
Also notable for the food forests which sustain the People, hunger is a
thing of the past for the people of Khem.

Major Industries:

Luxury Travel


Giant purple heart trees
Giant birch trees
Giant cherry blossom trees
Giant Fig Trees
Cocoa Tree
Coffee Plants
Tea Plants
2,000+ other species of trees
10,000+ species of flower
1,000+ species of fruit bearing trees
500 species of seaweed


Khemish Lake Turtle
Khem Coy
Khemish Catfish
600-800 species of mammals, including: the jaguar, puma, ocelot, sloth,
jaguarundi, armadillos, anteaters, tapirs, capybaras, dozens of species of
monkeys, bats, and pink dolphins.
1,500 species of birds, including: Amazon parrot, toucan, egrets, crakes,
eagles, owls, oropendulas, peacocks, blue macaw, trogons, hummingbirds,
blue heron, spix's guan, and many others.
3,000+ species of fish, including: piranha, piracucu, silver dollar fish,
catfish, dogfish, salmon, smelt.
1,200+ species of reptiles, including: caiman, a myriad of snakes, race
runners, yellow spotted side-necked turtle, basiliscus lizard, boa, yellow
footed tortoise, iguana
250,000+ species of insects, including 1,300+ species of butterflies, ants,
beetles, mantis, wasps, spiders, etc.
New species are discovered every day.

People's Shining Army

  1. Arms:


People's Glorious Library

Scientific Body:
Library Bureaucracy:

Carcossa The Shining City:
Carcossa The Shining City

The People's Glorious Library Foreign Emissary Compound
