Taijitu-The Pacific Treaty
The Taijitu - Pacific Accords
In the interests of the common Good, and in the hope and aim of furthering mutual understanding and friendship whilst forming a force for Right within NationStates. The Pacific and the Free Region of Taijitu do hereby affirm and swear to the following articles.
Terms of Amity
The Free Region of Taijitu and The Pacific, to affirm mutual friendship between our two regions. Both members and Government Officials of said regions pledge to treat their treaty counterparts with the same resepct and courtesy they would treat members of their own region.
Non Agression
Neither region shall knowingly aid any enemy of the other. This includes sharing of intelligence, military aid, or advisory aid.
Mutual Defense
An attack upon one or the other, shall be considered an attack upon both, and responded to accordingly.
Mutual Aggression
Should either party request aid in offensive operations, the petitioned party is expected to make every effort to comply. The inability to do so however, will not be grounds for cancellation of this treaty, and will be accepted in an understanding manner.
Both parties agree to share items of relevance in terms of intelligence gathered.
Hereby Ratified by the Undersigned.
Sovereign Dixie Delegate of Taijitu
PoD Gunner Taijituan Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs
Moo Cows With Guns Emperor of The Pacific