Green Party of Taijitu
From Taijitu
Green Party of Taijitu | ||
Formation | June 27, 2012 | |
Ideology | Green | |
Regional Chair | Terran | |
Regional Vice-Chair | VACANT | |
Membership | 1 | |
Colors | Light Green | |
Senate |
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Cabinet |
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Green Party of Taijitu Thread |
About The Greens
The Green Party of Taijitu is an environmentally friendly and pro-conservationist party that favors a broad spectrum of policies. Chief among our concerns, is the protection and conservation of the environment and the protection of animals and furthering their rights through reasonable and scientific means. The Green Party has an agenda that is rooted in our "8 Values" Statement. The Green Party of Taijitu is the only party within the region that expressly works in the interests of environmentalists. It is our aim to promote an atmosphere of peace, cooperation and environmentally conscious citizens.