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The Confederacy of Annabe
Den Förbund av Annabe
. .
Flag of Annabe
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Sweet Pomme, Swift River

Map Coming Soon
Official Languages Inglish
Religion Annabean Lutheranism
Ethnicity English, Swedish , Native.
Capital Williamsburgh, 3,200,000
Head of State Prime Minister Dexter Kennedy
Population 100,000,000
Independence March 15, 1831
Government Type Parliamentary Democracy
Nation Type Democratic Socialism
Economic System Near-Closed
National Symbols National Animal: Grizzly Bear
National Colours: Brown and Green
0.950 - very high
Currency Annabean Dollar
Time Zone GMT -7
Pronunciation A-nab-ay
Naval Craft Classification CAS (Confederacy of Annabe Ship), AMS (Annabean Military Ship)
National Anthem Stay Classy, Annabe!
Internet TLD .an
Calling Code +99

Annabe is a socailly progessive nation, located on the east coast of the Arda Continent, stretching from the Swedish Peninsula in the north, to Myroria in the south. From the Myrorian border at the coast, the border progresses south to the Gerschwin River. Annabes western border is the Gerschwin River from the Myrorian border to the border between Murray and Shedrock Mountain Territory. From there on the border is approximatley on the western foothills of the Shedrock Moutains, to the Eluvatar border.

Annabe has been populated for caucasians since the 1600's, but has been inhabited by natives since aincent times. Annabe was founded as a union between four nations, the Fort James Territories, Casseland, the Bedford Gardens and New Sweden, in 1831.

Annabe functions as a Parliamentary Democracy, with the current government being Democratic Socialists. The nation is made of 13 provinces. It is a developed and industrialized nation, with a high human development index. The nation has abundant resources and a fair economy. Annabe has very good civil rights and some political freedoms.


Prior to caucasian conquest, Annabe was populated by nomadic native tribes. Fossils and artifacts indicate that these people were advanced in their technologies, with evidence indicating that they had had a complex writing system, and were just starting to utilize gunpowder when caucasians arrived. The first documented arrival by a caucasian was Duke Farthing, in 1643, aboard the Bluebird. He landed at what is now Duke's Peninsula in Casseland. Duke and his crew made camp at the sandy beaches, traded with the natives and returned home. The first perminant settlement of caucasians was later that decade in 1649, when Olaf Erikson landed at the Stockholm point, and set up a town which was called Stockholm. The town flourished and gradually attracted more and more residents.

The first english settlement was Eldwin in what is now the Bedford Garden Province, in 1661. The town was founded by Duke Farthing, who had brought an entire naval fleet with him to settle this new land. By sometime in the 18th century, the city had been renamed Fisherton, after over 30,000 people lived in the city.

The first country to be set up was New Sweden, which was founded by Olaf Erikson's son, Sweno Olafson, in 1663. Prior to that Stockholm had no true government, and was in essential anarchy. When Erikson was assassinated, Olafson decided to institute a nation, which was New Sweden.

The next country to arise was the Bedford Gardens, which was the north coast going from New Sweden to Eluvatar, with Fisherton as its capital. It would only be until much later when Casseland and the Fort James Territories were formed.

Administrative Districts

Annabe is divided into 13 provinces, which are in turn divided into counties. The provinces are as follows:

See Also