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Pre-2000 BCE (many of these are not exact dates)

~1.8MA BCE: Fire then cooking drives human evolution.
~500KA BCE: Shelter construction.
~400KA BCE: Pigments and later painting develops. (cite cave paintings?)
~400KA BCE: Spears developed leading to human dominance over their natural predators.
~200KA BCE: First evidence of glue use.
~160-40KA BCE: First Ceremonial Burials.
~120KA BCE: Fishing develops.
~100KA BCE: First beads discovered.
~100KA BCE: Habitation of the islands of Khem by the Al’Ta people after the [great disaster].
~75KA BCE: First evidence of bedding
~65KA BCE: First arrowheads developed
~60KA BCE: First sewing needles developed
~35KA BCE: First textiles made
~30KA BCE: First musical instruments developed.
~30KA BCE: First ropes made
~20KA BCE: Beginnings of agricultural societies
~19KA BCE: Evidence of the first Al’Khem agrarian villages, a noted difference with Al’Ta fishing villages.
~15KA BCE: Pottery developed
~8000 BCE: First evidence of Chinampas and Hugelkultur Cultivation in the villages of Al’Khem. Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
~8000 BCE: Dakhma first used in disposal of corpses by Al’Khem. Later versions of this structure are much larger due to a growing population.
~8000 BCE: First evidence of hemp storage in ancient pottery.
~8000 BCE: First evidence of alcoholic beverage storage in ancient pottery
~6000 BCE: Al’Ta food forests adopted by Al’Khem.
~6000 BCE: Invention of bronze. Beginning of the Bronze Age.
~6000 BCE: Cannabis seeds and oil used for food by Al’Khem.
~5000 BCE: More cultures form permanent farming settlements.
~5000 BCE: Sindar empire rises to power with superior military technology.
~5000 BCE: Sericulture, the kiln and lacquer developed by Al’Khem.
~4500 BCE: Proto-literate societies develop written laws.
~4000 BCE: Hemp textiles in use across the Cefnor Basin.
~4000 BCE: Height of Sindar Empire around the Cefnor Basin, precise extent not known. Introduction of caste system and slavery throughout the region.
~4000 BCE: Earliest evidence of Zuavka use.
~3900 BCE: Beginnings of the Path of Truth, the Ankesh Tablets erected.
~3500 BCE: Gahk'ell first domesticated in Khem.
~3200 BCE: Sailing the Sindar Empire.
~3100 BCE: The Sindar capture villages of Khem and force them into slavery for seventy generations later these people would be known as the Da’Kavo.
~3000 BCE: Fre'zhi Migrations to northern Pelagea
~3000 BCE: Early settlement of the northern Phoenixian Continent.
~3000 BCE: Sultanates of Khem unite. Begining of Ta Cycle calender
~3000 BCE: First domestication of horses
~2750 BCE: Earliest mixed Fre’zhi-Dunedain Praemians communities are formed. First estimated practices of Gaeanism.
~2750 BCE: First evidence of cannabis used as a medicine.
~2500 BCE: Fall of Sindar Empire due to slave revolt, the Da’Kavo lead this revolt with their Fre’zhi brethren. Though when they returned to their native lands they weren’t the same, a people hardened by Sindarian cruelty. The Sindarian caste system falls in all but the isles of Khem and the proto-Dunedain.
~2500 BCE: Bhaang first found in use among the lower castes of Khem, soon brought into use by the Library of Truth.
~2500 BCE: Hanging Gardens first created in Kannabarus, a living love poem to a Praemian princess by the sultan Kl’war’nghe.
~2400 BCE: The triplets known as the Hermetica are simultaneously crucified on three islands of Khem, they were considered one person and deified afterward.
~2100 BCE: First written mention of Gaeanism from Dunedain texts.

2000 - 1000 BCE

~2000 BCE: Development of Dunedain Empire which considers itself successor to Sindar Empire. With an Aristocracy composed of the Sindarin servant Caste.
~2000 BCE: Construction of the first Great Library and its tradition of architectural wonder on Lake Haali. Curiously also the first evidence of coca use.
~2000 BCE: Due to the strain on the Dunedain armies, men from Ozian settlements are drafted into imperial armies. Settlements occupied predominantly by women.
~1985 BCE: Heliocentric model of the solar system first proposed by Hk’laesh of the Great Library of Haali, he was torn apart by hungry otters for his heresy.
~1600 -1250 BCE: Da'Kavo (slave soldier) rule founding the Shining Empire, characterised by great prosperity, advances in engineering and well-ordered civic institutions .
~1550 BCE: Khems develop mirrors and begin piping sunlight into their subterranean structures.
~1500 BCE: Dunedain Empire includes lands later to become the Edain provinces of Eluvatar, Minos, St. Oz, Myroria, etc.
~1400 BCE: Khemish Settler Junks full of livestock and supplies arrive on Jutensan shores.

1000 - 500 BCE

~960 BCE: Porcelain popularizes in Al’Khem.
~898 BCE: The First Divine Republic is formed under leadership of Listener Revia Ozi
~897 BCE: Schism in Khem as many fight for the body to be sovereign, the Self Heresy eventually becomes the standard teachings of the Library of truth. This was extremely popular among women who previously had no choice in sexual partners.
~890 BCE: Keihesse’zhi renounce Gaeanism and begin ancestor worship and hero veneration. The School of the Whirling Winds, an esoteric sect of the Keihesse’zh Temple, devotes itself to finding the "seventy-two holy names of the unnamed people" in the fabric of creation.
~Dunedain Empire splits into western Meneltarma Empire and eastern Verateminas Empire, Minos revolts in the chaos. Z Plague spreads through trade routes devastates the human population.
~850 BCE: Rape becomes illegal in Khem. As does beeding outside of caste.
~843 BCE: First mention of the city of Mere-ruhn, the Keihesse’zhi "house of the dead" and the holiest place in the Keihesse’zhi faith.

500 BCE - 1 BCE

~500 BCE: Rise of Minosian Empire in Cefnor
~500 BCE: Founding of Pelagis
~450 BCE: Minosians steal “Minosan Fire” from the Al’Khem along with numerous other advances.
~450 BCE: Khem establishes a heliocentric model of the solar system.
~400 BCE: Minosian Empire encroaches on Meneltarman and Verateminas coastal lands
~400 BCE: Pelagian (autonomous?) city-state is a regional power
~100 BCE: Verateminas resurgence (brief)
~14 BCE: The Divine Republic of Ozia conquers Moacia

0 - 250 CE

5 CE: Pelagians sack Verateminas
100 CE: Moaz Ozian develops
100-234 CE: Pelagian invasion of Al’Khem, punctuated by short lived victories and territory constantly shifting between factions.
250 CE: Eruvist cults discovered by the Great Library of Carcossa, the Akasa’Datu Da’Kavo are formed to root them out.

250 - 500 CE

500 - 750 CE

592 CE: Listener Palaom forms the Videnti, a secret police to enforce Gaeanist worship.
By 600 CE: Collapse of the Meneltarma Empire into several warring states including Meneltarma, Romenna, Ilium, Annuminas, Eldalondei, and Anor
600 CE: The first attempt of Akasa'Datu Da'Kavo to steal the Whispers, the Akasa’Datu are hunted down by Videnti after barely escaping the tower. Beginning of strained relations.
600 CE: Ozians blockade Khem in revenge for the Whispers incident.
610 CE: Khems make amends for the incident with offers of gold and spices.

750 - 1000 CE

800 CE: First mention of the Legend of Lanhi, a story about an Ozian fisherwoman from Moacia who is caught in a tropical storm, then ends up in La Sava.
810 CE: Khemish shipyards boom with activity as The Library invests heavily in the Apa’Datu Da’Kavo and their shipping schemes.

1000 -1250 CE

1000 CE: Theocratic Empire of Delfos peaks.
1232 CE: First official military use of rockets when Al’Khem used their թռչող հակահրդեհային սուրն (flying fire lances) to repel Ozian invaders from the city Bara’kaal.
1242 CE: June 9th: Falastur Ruisigusugoriar Eluvatumi (Falastur I) forms the Eluvatund Riund Cifundebar (Royal Confederacy of Eluvatar)

1250 - 1500 CE

1250 CE: Novmiri traders and settlers arrive in Phoenexia.
1345 CE: Khemist Librarians decide to study the bottom of Lake Haali by sectional dredging, biological interest soars as Library Naturalists come to observe the wonders of the world below.
1398 CE: Eluvataran Royal Navy conquers Minos, naval flag becomes national flag.
1432 CE: The Great Library codifies “Servile Rights” for the first time. This puts an end to Khemish involvement in the slave trade as a supplier and instead the nation focuses on importation of slaves and transition into the servile caste.

1500 - 1600 CE

1573 CE: The first Circumnavigation Races begin in La Sava. Only two of the 47 competing ships finish it.
1590 CE: The Divine Republic of Ozia colonizes Vazhu’vir in Australis.
1593 CE: The Al-Bolu Khanganate, the Empire of Pelagis, and the Empire of Haradrim sign a Naval Cooperation Treaty to combat Ozian and Prydeinian piracy.

1600 - 1700 CE

1600 CE: First Kingdom of Letonna is formed.
1610 CE: Pelargir Company formed (Eluvataran colony in Novmir)
1639 CE: The second revision of the Naval Cooperation Treaty between the Al-Bolu Khanganate, the Pelagian Empire, and the Haradrim Empire becomes the Alliance of the Three Empires.
1655 CE: Pelagis falls to combined Eluvataran, Prydainian, and Myrorian force. Myrorian state established. The Three Empires Alliance fractures, and the Al-Bolu Khanganate sign a treaty with the Ozians. The result of the Pelagian Empire leaving a power vacuum is the formation of the states of Austrasia, Neustria, and Myroria.
1678 CE: Resdayn I Omaryseth of Myroria dies. First Imperial election. His son, Resdayn II Omaryseth, is elected king.
1683 CE: The Three Empires Alliance puts an Ultimatum on the Divine Republic of Greater Ozia to supress Privateer activity or face military action.

1700 - 1800 CE

1701 CE: Resdayn III Omaryseth elected king of Myroria.
1715 CE: Council elects Maryn I Hlaatroth king of Myroria, the first king from outside House Omaryseth.
1725 CE: The War of the Last Eluvataran Succession (The Last King victorious)
1730 CE: Eluvataran Industrial Revolution begins (slowly).
1745 CE: Ëarvedui Ruisigusugoriar Eluvatumi (The Last King) leaves the Note of Absence (and absents himself by leaving)
1747 CE: Khemish Whaling peaks.
1750 CE: First War of Eluvataran Non-Succession
1750 CE: First Letonese Empire formed
1760 CE: “Soon may he return” consensus, two party system forms in Eluvatar
1780 CE: Second War of Eluvataran Non-Succession
1780 CE: Bustos coup in Valorium (Pelargir Colony)
1783 CE: Oboputh Gewaldesi Goludogalutuil (On Nations Ability to Become Wealthy, your Majesty) by Elendil Gofari, published.
1785 CE: Eluvataran Industrial Revolution takes off.
1797 CE: Myrorian inventor Therevam Flouridrith invents an industrial paper-making machine, making books cheaper than ever before and starting the Industrial Revolution in Myroria.

1800 - 1850 CE

1803 CE: The Ozian Industrial Revolution begins.
1807 CE: Maryn IV Hlaatroth releases the Quartering of the Country decree, giving large swaths of the countryside to the Great Houses on the guarantee that they will construct factories and improvements. Growth of Myrorian cities slows as most people work on House-owned farms or factories. Myroria will stay predominantly rural for years.
1815 CE: Nouvé Resdaynia chartered, Myroria's only colony.
1829 CE: A woman going by the pen name Madame Ousi publishes The False Social Consciousness of Labor and Monopolists. Factory Managers ban readers from reciting the book in factories after several labor riots.
1826 CE: Austrasians invent Photography. Dull pictures for the next hundred years.
1829 CE: The Divine Republic of Ozia defaults on its debt. Ozian-Haradrim is looted, burned, and abandoned by Ozian Armies and Navies. Beginning of the Ozian Labor Riots.
1831 CE: Ozian Army is mobilized to quell the labor riots.
1836 CE: Madame Ousi’s army storms the Senate building at Ozi’pol and executes every member of the Ozian Senate. The Listener recognizes the Divine Union of Gaeanist People's Republics or commonly known as the Union of Gaeanist Laborers, UGL.
1837 CE: Myrorian naturalist Andraren Raranyseth publishes "On the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". Commonly shortened to just "Struggle for Life", the book details Raranyseth's theory of evolution by natural selection.
1838 CE: Madame Ousi passes the Language Laws. The laws outlaw all minority languages except Moaz and Jutensan. They also centralize all languages from their old alphabets to a new 26 letter "Gaeanist" alphabet.
1839 CE: Madame Ousi send military aid to Stuv Ozian separatists.
1840 CE: Al’Khem adopts the Gaeanist alphabet, this cuts down significantly on Library paperwork and simplifies the Great Record. The beginning of rewriting the Great Record.

1850 - 1900 CE

1850 CE: Children of Ta Revolution.
1851-1855 CE: The Novic Civil War is fought between Novic Royalists and Novic Separatists with the Separatists as the partial victors.
1852 CE: Prydeinia sends military aid to the Separatists.
1855 CE: The Confederate States of Sovereign Dixie is formed and given recognition by Prydeinia . Ozia covertly assists the CSSD via massive shipments of armaments.
1858 CE: Madame Ousi dies and the Ozian schism begins.
1862 CE: Stuv Oz passes the CSSD’s first women’s suffrage law, in exchange for passing their men’s suffrage law.
1867 CE: Eluvatar conquers the Seven Baan of Rykkovaa.
1869 CE: The 11 year schism ends with the victory of the "Dirests". The Third Divine Republic is formed under the direction of the Parpaski and Iseltov direships.
1872 CE: The Third Haradric-Ozi begins with the Haradric Invasion of Jutensa.
1876 CE: The Third Haradric-Ozi war ends with the Haradric capture of Ozi'pol.
1898 CE: The Great War begins with the assassination of Baan Myrskyja. Eluvatar declares war on the Haradrim Empire, which sets off a series of war declarations between the Coalition of Carth, made up of Eluvatar, Myroria, and Prydeinia, and L'Entente Cordiale, made up of the Elaran Empire, Saint Oz, Austrasia, Neutria, and the Elaran vassal states.

1900 - 1925 CE

1903 CE: The CSSD passes the Logistics and Supply act, granting use of it’s bases to Prydeinia and setting up a formal Merchant Marine corp for the purposes of assisting the Northern Powers. January 4th, 1905 CE: Low Morale on the northern fronts causes the Pandemonium of the 23rd, which was the mutiny of 23rd Gaeanist Brigade of the Ozian Republic. This event triggers the Gaeanist Defections.
1909 CE: Battle of Ozi’pol, Ozi’pol is liberated by Coalition of Carth and Free Ozians
1910 CE: Founding of the Coalition of Carth supported Republic of Ozia.
1911 CE: Start of the Ozian Civil War between Nationalists, Dirests, Republicans, and Communists
1911-1914 CE: The Intervention (in Ozia) by Eluvatar, Prydainia, and Myroria.
1912-1916 CE: War of Separation in Rykkovaa.
1913 CE: Ozian Communists secretly found Ad’Soghuk to drill, store, and refine oil in the arctic region.
1914 CE: Fearing an invasion by Novmir, the CSSD begins construction of massive fortifications along it’s Northern border.
1914 CE: Librarian Nek'ko Tes'h'la develops alternating current bringing also the electrification of Khemish cities with the Gentu River Project. Hydroelectric power becomes a reality.
1915 CE: The People's Republic of Haradrim is established with influence of Ozian communists. Melkorism is banned in Haradrim.
1915 CE: The CSSD formally recognizes women’s right to vote.
1916 CE: Rykkovaan independence.
1919-1926 CE: Resdaynian Indigenous Wars. Fendryn Quarrovth crushes the rebellion, becoming a Myrorian hero. Fendryn begins to harbor political ambitions.
1920 CE: First Letonese Empire falls.
1921 CE: The CSSD passes the Liberty act formally putting an end to the institution of slavery. Former slaves are granted suffrage upon liberation. Ozia officially grants the CSSD Diplomatic recognition.
1923 CE: Second Letonese Empire is born in Old Neustria.

1925 - 1950 CE

1926 CE: Ozian Communists spread propaganda in Khem, civil unrest rises.
1930 CE: The CSSD finishes construction of its fixed defense border system.
1930 CE: Fendryn Quarrovth takes the Myrorian throne.
1930 CE: The Second Empire of Letonna has solidified, all of old Neustria has been conquered.
1948 CE: The CSSD conducts its first atomic bomb test.
1949 CE: Novmir issues a statement declaring that it also posesses nuclear weapons and threatens war against the CSSD should it continue to pursue a nuclear weapons program.
1949 CE: Prydainia issues a statement of support for the CSSD and mediates a summit between the CSSD and Novmir. Tensions temporarily cool as a result.

1950 - 1975 CE

ther1950 CE: Fendryn Quarrovth dies. Peté Tar-Ilium elected king.
Spring 1951: Myroria announces it possesses nuclear weapons.
Fall 1951 CE: Pelagian Nationalists conduct a bombing campaign across Myroria.
1953 CE: The CSSD passes legislation forbidding State Governments and corporations from minting their own currency.
April 1954 CE: Nova Neustria is conquered by The Second Letonese Empire and renamed Nova Letonna. Neustrians flabbergasted.

June 6th 1954 CE: The CSSD introduces minimum wage and worker safety laws. The state of Pelagir threatens secession and workers riots erupt as a result. 

September 14th 1954 CE: National Reserve troops end rioting in Pelagir, Governor Ardamin Hunthor is removed from office and new elections are held under the watch of the National Reserve and the Pelagir Progressive Party.
1962 CE: Riots erupt throughout Khemish cities, the Children of Ta form from the revolutionaries. A violent civil war follows.
1962 CE (September-November): Great Neustrian-Letonese Civil war.
1969 CE: The Iseltov Intervention coups the Parpaski regime, removing all Direship influence from the Senate temporarily. Parpaski leadership tried in Ozi’pol for crimes against humanity, a first in the Cefnor Basin.
1969 CE: Peté Tar-Ilium is impeached by the Council of Great Houses. Fredrika is elected queen
1972 CE: The Second Divine People’s Republic of St. Oz is founded.

1975 - 2000 CE

1975 - 1983 CE: Centralization of power towards the Empeuress. Council of Great Houses loses power and nobles opposing the "new reforms" go missing.
1979 CE: People’s Senate of Ozia passes new voting laws, allowing 16 and older women and 18 and older men to vote. Ozia has universal sufferage for the first time in history.
1981 CE: People’s Senate of Ozia passes the "Paska Laws" aimed to reduce the power of the Direships and formally denounce the Ozian Privateers.
1982 CE: Cefnor Conference in Carcossa, Al'Khem.
1990-1997 CE: Democratic reforms. Last vestiges of aristocracy among the Houses eliminated and they transition into open and transparent political parties. More nobles "disappear".
March 24, 1996 CE: Vol the Merciful dies of lung cancer.
1999 CE: Myroria has its first nationwide elections, creating a parliament as a democratic body. However, it still has only "advisory" powers and most power continues to rest with the monarch.

Post-2000 CE

2005 CE: Meneldur, Crown Prince of Myroria, leaves the Imperial Residence. No public statement is made but he is soon spotted living at Ilium Estate in County Ivorheart with his disgraced father.
2008 CE: Fredrika Tar-Ilium dies. A decree released after her death turns the nation into a constitutional monarchy with little power given to the monarch. The nation is restyled the "Noble Republic of Myroria". Meneldur is elected king. The parliament elects Sendryna Quarrith Prime Minister of Myroria.
2010 CE: Ozia’s Iseltov and Parpaski net worths are only half of what they used to be.
2011 CE: Khem develops self organizing drone swarm AI, with (someone) to clean up a nuclear explosion in (country).
2012 CE: Peté Tar-Ilium dies.
2016 CE: Listener Adara dies and Listener Neari assumes power. Within the first month she orders the People’s Republic of Ozia to create a multi-party democracy.
2017 CE: Ozians adopt a new constitution forming the sixth Divine Republic
2020 CE: (Someone) develops The Machine, which with advanced robotics (of nations: Khem,...) puts many people out of work. Extreme civil unrest begins worldwide
2030 CE: Cyberpunk wooooooo!.

Post-2100 CE

2110 CE: First colony ship launched by Cefnor Community???
2498 CE: Invention of FTL travel

Pages in category "History"

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