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m (Constituent Nations)
m (Constituent Nations)
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|Taijituan Iridaceae, Tabaqui, Concupiscentia, Igny
|Taijituan Iridaceae, Tabaqui, Concupiscentia, Igny
|Carolina Wolf, Dakota Wolf, Georgia Wolf, Indiana Wolf
|Carolina Wolf, Dakota Wolf, Georgia Wolf, Indiana Wolf

Revision as of 14:49, 12 July 2014

Confederation of Iridaceae
Flag of Iridaceae Coat of Arms of Iridaceae
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: though we are many we are one body
[[image:{{{map}}}|225px|Location of Iridaceae]]
Area 654,321km2
Water (%) 81
Highest point Mt Leac
Longest river Shwale
Population 30,000 million
• Density {{{density}}}/km2
• Growth {{{growth}}}%/year
Median age 27 years
Demonym Iridaceaean
Confederation 21 August 2012

Capital Seeonee
Official language Inglish
Type Confederation
Head of State Niadh

Satrapies Crocus, Sparaxis, Geissorhiza, Babiana, Chasmanthe, Dierama, Lapeirousia
Currency tai ({{{currency_symbol}}}) ({{{currency_code}}})
GDP {{{GDP}}}
• Per capita {{{per_capita_GDP}}}
• Growth {{{GDP_growth}}}%/year

{{{agriculture}}}% Agriculture
{{{industry}}}% Industry
{{{services}}}% Services

Unemployment {{{unemployment}}}%
Gini {{{gini}}}
Life expectancy {{{life_expectancy}}} years
Improved water access {{{water_access}}}%
Literacy {{{literacy}}}%
Enrollment {{{gross_enrollment}}}%
• Primary {{{primary}}}%
• Secondary {{{secondary}}}%
• Tertiary {{{tertiary}}}%
Measures {{{measures}}}
Date format {{{dates}}}
Traffic {{{traffic}}}
ISO code {{{iso_code}}}
Internet TLD {{{TLD}}}
Calling code +{{{telephone}}}


The Iridaceaean Confederation or Iridaceae is a confederacy of nations.


Iridaceae was formed as an international organization by its founding seven members to enable them to work together. At this time the combined population was roughly 2000 million.

Integration and Coup d'Etat

Following the accession of many new member states, the confederacy was eventually overrun by the hardliners from the Forgotten Isle of Chronovantes. The member states underwent a transition from 2012-2013 and was reorganized as a top-down structure, installing Niadh as Shahanshah, who acts as Head of State over all Iridaceaean territories. Each constituent nation is semi-autonomous and are governed according to local laws. Niadh oversees the Heads of Government, or Satraps, as he now calls them.

Capital City

Iridaceae is no longer legally considered a nation itself, it exists as the sum of its parts. The capital city of Iridaceae is traditionally located wherever Niadh holds his court.

Summmer til Fall 2012: Iridaceae City, Chasmanthe, The North Pacific

Fall 2012 til Summer 2013: Huaspa-Roa, Babiana, The East Pacific

Summer 2013 til Fall 2013: Caer-Lupao, Lapeirousia, Taijitu

Fall 2013 til Summer 2014: Xylchester, Sparaxis, the South Pacific

Summer 2014 til Fall 2014: Seeonee, Tabaqui, Unknown

Politics of Iridaceae

Politics of Iridaceae

Constituent Nations

Iridaceae Proper is divided into seven satrapies. They are subdivided into eparchies, and some eparchies are divided into smaller units called hyparchies.

Satrapies Eparchies Hyparchies
Crocus Palamyn, Wanduin, Chronovantes, Tealnesia, Upsilon Arietis, Fourteen
Sparaxis Saluin, Xicaya, Star Light Zone
Geissorhiza Lauriana, Tranquillity, Nebuloso, Rovsk, Gelena
Babiana Kyvykyv, Deidin, Ushaik, Ptarlath, Hwyxos, Yrkoun, Vrimba, Atropos, Marble Zone
Chasmanthe Abysmaliya, Nanthos, Aurua, Labyrinth Zone, Aquatic Ruin Zone
Dierama Pacifican Iridaceae, December 2012, Mystic Cave Zone
Lapeirousia Taijituan Iridaceae, Tabaqui, Concupiscentia, Igny Carolina Wolf, Dakota Wolf, Georgia Wolf, Indiana Wolf