Document:Directive on External Affairs
From Taijitu
1. Embassies
- The Ministry of External Affairs will accept applications for embassies from regions or interregional organizations which have a total population of at least 50, have off-site forums, will accept a Taiijtuan embassy and between which and Taijitu there exist no significant hostilities, and will close the embassies of any regions which cease to meet these conditions.
- The Ministry of External Affairs will open a Taijituan embassy in any region which opens an embassy in Taijitu.
- The Ministry of External Affairs will seek to open embassies in regions deemed important and which meet the conditions for an embassy in Taijitu.
2. Updates
- On the first day of any month, the Ministry of External Affairs will issue an update summarizing the state of the region and any recent events.
- Within one week of any election, the Ministry of External Affairs will issue an update summarizing the results of the election and any cabinet appointments made afterwards.
- If any two updates would fall within one week of another, they will be issued together on the date of the later update.
- Any such updates will be sent to all regions where Taijitu has an embassy.
3. World Factbook
- The Ministry of External Affairs will create and maintain articles on the Regional Wiki about the regions where Taijitu has embassies.