The Loyal Order of St Jude of Melih

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This order was set up in 1624 A.D. to:
"Serve God, defend the church and protect the sacredness of the calling"

It was originally the "Holy Order of Jude of Melih" where the whole purpose was to look after the church, especially the leaders of the church in any way necessary. It was realized soon after that this would involve alot of physical and military means where after the first blood was split by a member of this order, the 'Holy' part of its title was removed. It has evolved over the past 400 years plus into a very effective close protection unit which was awarded the title 'Loyal Order' in 1894 for its good work and service for the church and the country.

Current Taskings:

At the main Embassy of The Holy Empire of The Knights Templarios
-150 members on 6 months tour (on rotation) with another 250 on stand-by or 3 months off holiday between tour.

Current Personal Tally

Support Staff
- 3000 personal in admin/transport etc
Active Personal
- 200 ready for duty anywhere in the world given 48 hours notice
Back-up Personal
- 800 ready for duty anywhere in the world given 1 months notice (for long term duty)
Personal Current on Tour
- 400 (see above)

Current Equipment List:

SOV-2000 level III body armour