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Flag of Tritopea
Motto: Circles may roll, but we are better at stabbing!
Capital TBD
Official Language TBD
Religion TBD
Government Psychotic Dictatorship
National Symbols National Animal: The TBD
Currency TBD
Internet TLD .tr
Calling Code 777

Tritopea is a tiny island nation with a population of precisely 105. Little is known by outsiders about this reclusive nation, which is generally dismissed as a mere artifact of the mapmaker due to its ridiculous triangularity and miniscule size. However, several documents created by the Tritopean leadership have been obtained and published in electronic form. They are included here in addition to the various summaries of cultural observations as an effort to illuminate the nature of this curious society through their own words.

Tritopean Science




The Birth of Tritopea

[Excerpted from the A. Square translation of "[incompatible encoding]"

There were only
the formless arcs of
chaos that were the primordial
curves of an infant universe unformed.

there was
formed Linae
whose consciousness
awoken did stretch straight
among the curved waves of chaos.
And Linae looked upon the world and
saw that it was without form, so He gathered
the twisted fabric of the universe and with his
pointed ends did weave them into straightened beings.
"These I shall call the Sides," proclaimed He, and did rest.

the Sides did
swim in the sea
of curves, nourished
by the arcs within it and
bisecting to ever grow their numbers.
But then from the Arcs was formed Circlae
whose roundness held order beyond all the chaos
and He, whose thoughts now came to him did roll about
and find the Sides all plentiful and he alone and round.

rolled about
the sea and gathered
many arcs upon his shell
and many more he smothered
under his infinite side with a call
to be not rigid, but round, like was He.
Then He grew so large but with his structure
sound could not split to from from one, two of him.
And so bloated did he lose all energy and fall upon the sea
to form the land on which his circle children now did frolic carelessly.

Sides saw
this new land
upon the sea and
they were envious.
And so they swam about
its circled shores in longing.
And the Circles did look down upon
the Sides that wallowed near their land
and laughed as they did try in vain to hop
upon the solid ground with only a single limb.
The Sides slithered to the shore but in that triumph
found their endpoints trampled under haughty circumferentii.

did the Circles
wave their shells and
find a resonance within them.
Now one himself called King did
chatter in his booming circle voice
at the floundering sides beneath them.
The sides could only quiver in jealous rage,
the sea itself churning violently through them.
Then the King of the Circles did roll to the shore,
chuckling at the lowly Sides. But a segment, so enraged,
leapt upon the King and latched upon his circumference,
then others followed in its steps and latched upon the King
whose shell, en-sected, split apart. The Circles rolled to hide
but could not escape the infinite onslaught of sides that rainded
upon them on that glorious day. And the sides, strewn about the land,
did twist in pure elation at their victory against the haughty unsided ones.

The sides
knew not the
rolling power
of their vanquished foes.
They twitched in vain to move
about, but dimensionally impoverished
the did naught but shiver in helpless lines.
Then in their frenetic flailing did one touch
another, hand in hand, and seal the first of sacred bonds.
But even so hinged, they could but waddle on the lands, until
they did fall upon a third who held upon their legs to from the
most sacred of all the shapes, the holiest of unions, the triangle.

All the
gathered three
by three to form
this shape and the
remainder cast away
into the sea to swim about.
Thus was born the elder race
whose perfect forms did give them
superior character and intellect to
bulid a society unmatched by any other.
[Ed: What follows is obscured in the original document.
Fragments indicate it as a kind of anthem lauding the Elder Race.]

did come
to pass the
Golden Age of
the Tritopean People.

The Tritopean Way

Proper Veneration for The Enlighteneds

Instructions For Formation of New Population Layers

of new levels
of population shall
be undergone using the
algorithm prescribed by the
Ancient ones and upheld by the
infinite wisdom of the elders who
have led our society into the fruitful
age of plentiful population in our lands.

shall be this:
That at no time shall
the population of cognizant
Tritopeans be numerically unequal
to all of the grandest of holy sequences,
so that in front of the great temple may always
all assemble in the most sacred of shapes, the pyramid.

Will be
A pool of children
yet immersed in the formless
haze of the mind still newly born.
Upon the simultaneous formation of the
lucid mind's triangle within the number which
would complete a successive population level, and
only upon this condition shall the newborns be introduced
into the society and another level formed. If one should die
and leave a point of weakness in the pyramid, so shall a child
be chosen for the strongest of traits and shall take the dead's place.

Guides to Proper Action

On The Existence of Outsiders