Zhao Ching

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Book of Truth

The Di that can be described is not the eternal Di. The name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name.

Yet mystery and reality emerge from the same source. This source is called emptiness.

Emptiness born from emptiness. The beginning of all understanding.

The supreme good is like fire, which benefits all of creation without trying to compete with it. It gathers in popular places. Thus it is like the Di.

It is easier to carry an empty cup than one that is filled to the brim.

The sharper the knife the easier it is to dull. The more wealth you possess the harder it is to protect.

When you have accomplished your goal simply walk away. This is the path way to Illumination.

Nurture the emptiness of your soul until you become whole. Can you do this and not fail? When Illumination gives and takes away can you be content with the outcome? When you understand all things can you step back from your own understanding?

We mold clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that makes the vessel useful.

We fashion wood for a house, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it livable.

We work with the substantial, but the emptiness is what we use.

Five colors blind the eye. Five notes deafen the ear. Five flavors makes the palate go stale.

The Master acts on what he feels and not what he sees. He shuns the latter, and prefers to seek the former.

Look for it, and it can't be seen. Listen for it, and it can't be heard. Grasp for it, and it can't be caught. These three cannot be further described, so we treat them as The One.

It's highest is not bright. It's depths are not dark. Unending, unnameable, it returns to nothingness. Formless forms, and image less images, subtle, beyond all understanding.

Forget about knowledge and wisdom, and people will be a hundred times better off. Throw away charity and righteousness, and people will return to brotherly love.

Embrace simplicity. Desire little.

Renounce knowledge and your problems will end. What is the difference between yes and no? What is the difference between good and evil? Must you fear what others fear? Nonsense, look how far you have missed the mark!

Ordinary people are bright; I alone am dark. Ordinary people are clever; I alone am dull.

The greatest virtue you can have comes from following only the Di; which takes a form that is intangible and evasive.

Even though the Di is intangible and evasive, we are able to know it exists. Intangible and evasive, yet it has a manifestation. Secluded and dark, yet there is a vitality within it. It's vitality is very genuine.

Since the beginning of time, the Di has always existed. It is beyond existing and not existing . How do I know where creation comes from? I look inside myself and see it.

If you want to become whole, first let yourself become broken. If you want to become straight, first let yourself become twisted. If you want to become full, first let yourself become empty. If you want to become new, first let yourself become old.

For this reason the Master embraces the Di, as an example for the world to follow. Because he isn't self centered, people can see the light in him. Because he does not boast of herself, he becomes a shining example. Because he does not glorify herself, he becomes a person of merit. Because he wants nothing from the world, the world can not overcome her.

Before the universe was born there was something in the chaos of the heavens. It stands alone and empty, solitary and unchanging. It is ever present and secure. It may be regarded as the Mother of the universe. Because I do not know it's name, I call it the Di.

Di is great. Illumination is great. Emptiness is great. Within the universe, these are the four great things.

Emptiness follows Illumination. Illumination follows the Di. The Di follows only itself.

This is not the way of the Di. That which is not of the Di will soon end.

The Di is nameless and unchanging. Although it appears insignificant, nothing in the world can contain it.

All things end in the Di just as the small streams and the largest rivers flow through valleys to the sea.

The masters of old attained unity with the Di.

Without unity, the sky becomes filthy. Without unity, the earth becomes unstable. Without unity, the spirits become unresponsive and disappear. Without unity, the valleys become dry as a desert.

Do not shine like the precious gem, but be as dull as a common stone.

One who seeks knowledge learns something new every day. One who seeks the Di unlearns something new every day. Less and less remains until you arrive at Illumination. When you arrive at Illumination, nothing will be left undone.

The Di gives birth to all of creation. The virtue of Di in nature nurtures them, and their family give them their form. Their environment then shapes them into completion. That is why every creature honors the Di and its virtue.

It gives them life without wanting to posses them, and cares for them expecting nothing in return. It is their master, but it does not seek to dominate them. This is called the dark and mysterious virtue.

One who is filled with the Di is like a newborn child. Its bones are soft, its muscles are weak, but its grip is firm and strong. It doesn't know about the union of male and female, yet his penis can stand erect, because of the power of life within him. It can cry all day and never become hoarse. This is perfect oneness.

Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know.

Stop talking, meditate in silence, blunt your sharpness, release your worries, harmonize your inner light, and become one with the dust. Doing this is the called the dark and mysterious identity.

The ancient Masters who understood the way of the Di, did not educate people, but made them forget.

Smart people are difficult to guide, because they think they are too clever.

Knowing you don't know is Illumination. Thinking you know is a disease. Only by recognizing that you have an illness can you move to seek a cure.

If you do not fear death, then how can it intimidate you? If you aren't afraid of dying, there is nothing you can not do.

Fire is the emptiest and most insubstantial substance. Yet nothing is better than fire, for overcoming the hard and rigid, because nothing can compete with it.

Everyone knows that the empty and insubstantial overcomes the rigid and hard, but few can put this knowledge into practice.

True sayings seem contradictory.

Book of Fire and Water

Book of Death

Book of the Master

Book of Tales